I teach "Our Multidimensional Consciousness System"™ where kundalini energy is understood as an Individual Unit of Consciousness and chakras are the gates to the "Seven Dimensions of Perception".
This groundbreaking, new approach comes directly from my experience and allows for a quicker assimilation of the principles leading to self-realization.
Monique Rebelle
Find out how you can benefit from this new approach
From depressed and suicidal to deeply happy and fulfilled
After years of struggle and on the verge of suicide Monique experienced a spontaneous, miraculous experience that brought deep, unconditional happiness and changed her life forever.
She shares her insights and wisdom in her book "Transcendence Calling - The Power of Kundalini Rising and Spiritual Enlightenment" and in talks, videos, workshops, private sessions and programs for individuals or groups in person and online.
Her new book, titled "Seven Steps to a Better Human - Our Multidimensional Consciousness System - Overview and Basic Practices" is scheduled to be published in 2025

We got it! To accommodate my students who already took my course and would like to pop-in once in a while to maintain the connection and chat about everything consciousness and Spirit; to connect with everyone who may benefit from the reminder what life is really about and get inspired!; to cultivate our magic, our power and our practice.
These meetings are completely free and there are no strings attached! We will talk about anything Spirit, Consciousness, Practice, experiences, share thoughts, ask questions and give answers... in the vein of Jnana Yoga, but non-religious.
I call it Down To Earth Spiritual.
Sign up below and see you soon!

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1867–1949).
Portrait by Janet Flanner and Solita Solano,
1925–1935, colored.

I am happy to announce my third article in this wonderful peer-reviewed academic journal.
I am very grateful to the editor for his patience with my lack of academic training.
In this article I describe the first two dimensions of perception which I see as the worlds our first two chakras open us up to: the material and the emotional dimension. I also focus on the movement of Kundalini through these two dimensions during Kundalini rising.
The image on the left is a reproduction of one of my more recent paintings: #133 "Darken" 48x54" oil on canvas.

Travel With Me On A Classic Kundalini Ascension Journey
Let's explore each dimension of perception and use the principles of "Our Multidimensional Consciousness System" to create an individually designed, effective practice.
Depending on your needs and predispositions your practice will help to:
- make negative emotions disintegrate
- make your mind focused and effective
- make your heart full of love and joy
- improve all of your relationships
- improve intuitive thinking and visualization
- improve the contemplative and Self-Inquiry processes
A short video edited from "Cure for Depression" talk, where I presented the basis of my teachings - Our Multidimensional Consciousness System.
Monique Rebelle, born in Poland, is an artist - a painter, spiritual teacher and an author. In 1992, on the verge of suicide, she experienced a miracle that stopped her from ending her life and marked the beginning of a new, happy life. After years of contemplation of the phenomena, she became a spiritual teacher. Monique shares her insights about the experience in her book Transcendence Calling - The Power of Kundalini Rising and Spiritual Enlightenment and in presentations, sessions, and programs. She teaches her Our Multidimensional Consciousness System to better utilize our great potential as truly magical, creative and beneficial beings.

Rebelle's description of her full kundalini rising experience leads to an explanation of Our Multidimensional Consciousness System. She perceived, developed and has been using this system to successfully help others applying the knowledge about the subtle body, kundalini and chakras from a new, groundbreaking viewpoint. Some suggested practices are presented.
To access the Emotions-Emptiness Practice please click here
New testimonials - with photos!

The Higher Self Course by Monique Rebelle
“I recommend this course to those seeking to improve their conscious awareness of both the material world and the higher dimensions. I got much more than I anticipated from this course and am impressed with the amount of work Monique has put into it to make the results of her personal experience more widely available to others. She cares deeply about imparting this knowledge to others so we can personalize it and make it our own. The explanation of the lower 3 chakras as a group, in relation to the higher 4 chakras is particularly helpful in establishing a framework for better understanding the chakras.”
“Now for the practical part, implementing the system into my daily life through establishing a consistent practice.”
Steve Johnson, Nashville, Tennessee
The Higher Self Course with Monique Rebelle is truly a well rounded course for self knowledge and self transformation. I have been working in the area of Kundalini research for many years and though I understood the concepts but never this clear. This course encapsulates them all so well. With easy to digest information(yet deep wisdom) and quickly applicable practices, I began to instantly notice deeper self awareness and transformation. Applying the practices in my life suggested in this course has gifted me with the confidence that I can heal and transform myself deeply and has even given me glimpses into who I am becoming. This course definitely marks a pivoting point for me.
Linda Molina
Co-Founder of The Emerging Sciences Foundation
"I have been following Monique's events and participated in some of her classes. Learning about dimensions of our consciousness
helped me to understand certain experiences that I have had, mainly psychic experiences. For example knowing what is going to happen in the near future before it actually does.
I recently took her class Our Multidimensional Consciousness 101 which clearly explains how to be aware of yourself and your potential. I have discovered so much more in myself, my life has greatly improved from her teachings.
Dorian B.
When I came across one of Monique's courses , the higher self course , I was on the path of discovering ways to practice and build relationship with myself particularly my non-material self, beyond the ego. I knew Monique course would be perfect for someone like me, a professional with fast paced lifestyle. Right off the bat Monique was flexible with the pace of the course which was a tremendous gift for me from the start. Monique has a wealth of knowledge in multidimensional living. From her course, I'm able to see my life and reactions to it from a higher birds eye view. This could not have been possible without her thorough explanation and practices that she recommends in her course for each chakra. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is curious about spirituality or someone looking to build spiritual practices from start to finish. Monique course is very informative, and I work well with step by step guide which she offers at every step of the way. Monique is a wonderful meditation and spiritual. teacher. I'm truly honored to be one of her student, and it was one of the best investments made to work with her 1:1.
Anastasia I. Gunawan, MPH
"After Attending Monique's Kundalini Think-Tank, I was intrigued by what might be inside of me, waiting to be discovered.
Through Monique's guidance and her ability to explain this state of being in an easy, patient way, I have begun to discover my own inner chakras and I owe it all to Monique.
I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for an experienced guide through a tangled life path. She is one of the brightest lights I have ever seen."
Peter Walker, Reno, Nevada
This course blew my mind! And what is really great, is that I even know how it happened! Monique not only helped me to find my real self this time, but now, if I ever get lost in the "samsara" again, I know all the steps that will lead me to my true, eternal being. I know the practice!
I have been looking for answers for so many years - I finally feel I am home and happy.
Jeanine E. Montreal, Canada
"Before I met Monique my life was pretty much a constant state of aggravation and anger. Taking the second class with Monique, about Emotions and Mind, I learned that there is a real, practical exercise I should try to help me feel better.
I began to practice what Monique was teaching and quickly instead of reacting to everything around I was able to take a step back and see the bigger picture of my life.
The things that used to make me mad don't matter any more. As a result I am so much happier now and I can think clearer. It is a huge change I never thought was possible."
Lindsay Briggs, North Lake Tahoe
Monique Rebelle's course "Higher Self" was so interesting! I feel that I really grew with this course!I am already not the same person that I was before. I was stuck in the emotional dimension and now I am free, living my life on a different level - what a change!. And now I know that if I keep on doing the practices I learned I will still keep on improving!
I have experienced a huge shift in my consciousness!
Learning about how it works is so liberating!
Margaux Siret, France
What really convinced me to take the Higher Self course is that Monique's teachings include down to earth, real practices. Maybe because I am Dutch I like the more methodical (some call it boring, ha ha) approach - the hocus-pokus therapies don't work for me!
After the first tries I was able to identify the dimensions of perception in my own life. I completed the course already half a year ago and since then I can see I can help myself with anything that happens in my life, I can work it out because I know what to do! The best short practice you can do anytime is "Dimensions Checkpoints". That gives you understanding what you need to work on. Monique will make sure you designed your practice well so it brings great results. I am really happy I took this course and I am continuing with Monique's teachings.
Daan van Dijk, Netherlands